Monday, February 25, 2008

Dating and Mating Q/A


This past month was a huge success for Jesus and FHCC. Our recent series, "Real Love," brought out many first-timers and saw 7 individuals dedicate their lives to following Jesus!

What this series was also successful in was stirring up questions and emotions from everyone. In our world obsessed with love, sex, and dating, many have been hurt and jaded by the topic of love. This was especially obvious last week with our talk on "Real Marriage." Therefore, we have decided to extend our open Q/A forum by another week.

If you have a question about DATING, MARRIAGE, DIVORCE, or anything else related to the topic, please ask it NOW. Please post your question "anonymously" in the comments portion of this blog, and we will answer it during a special Q/A session following the service on March 2nd. As always, no question is "off limits," so fire away!


Anonymous said...

How do you know he/she is the One I should marry? How did you know? What are the signs?

Anonymous said...

Is age a factor in a Christian

Anonymous said...

can Christians use the internet to date? such as, chritian dating site etc..

becominggreek said...

great to see you on the blog world

Anonymous said...

Hello Pastor,

In your sermon: God wants Intimacy, you preach that God wants to be regarded as "your husband".

I'd imagine this applies to all believers, single and married.

This seems quite improper and contradictory since one of the 10 commandments state, "Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's wife".

Come to think of it... Mary was already the betrothed wife of Joseph.

Since God is all powerful, you'd think he would have gotten a heads-up or just as well have created a female who was single and available. How come God took someone else's wife?

